Aulona Snc is a company with a family and multi-national history: in 2005, two Albanian brothers, Festim and Roland Rudaj, drew on their artisanal experience and skills acquired over ten years to create their own company, Aulona Snc – the natural metal works
Their aim was to create a working environment in which integration and team spirit combined with determination and perseverance in reaching goals, all backed by highly specialised employees. Today, the Rudaj brothers have created a group able to meet the needs of its varied clientele, creating strong ties with long-time loyal customers.
Today, thanks to its acquired know-how and painstaking and often artistic work, the company creates complex products using the latest equipment, from metal work to welding to laser cutting, and from bending to special machining, playing with shapes and ductility.
“The brute repose of Nature, the passionate cunning of man, the strongest of earthly metals,
the weirdest of earthly elements, the unconquerable iron subdued by its only conqueror,
the wheel and the ploughshare, the sword and the steam-hammer…”
Gilbert Keith Chesterton
We have all the skills necessary to deliver a finished and complete product. We surface treat our products as requested by our clients to guarantee resistance to corrosive agents or an exceptional aesthetic finish.
Our in-house technical team specialises in problem solving; it studies and develops our clients’ designs while guaranteeing utmost efficiency and effectiveness.
Thanks to the quality of our products, we have a strong position on the market for international structural steel made to order, and our UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 e UNI EN 3834-2:2006 certifications have won us contracts with major international corporations. And, our leading-edge equipment can perform special laser cutting and welding; we produce series pieces and single—even complex—prototypes, including final surface treatments.
Our flexibility and the experience we have gained over the years mean we can work in a wide variety of fields including:
- maritime
- furniture
- hospitals
- construction
- wine making
An avant-garde and innovative company, we stand out on the metalworking sector thanks to our professionalism, and our efficient and effective organisation and administration. Our number-one concern is satisfying our clients; this is our focus from the consulting phase to design, from machining to delivery.
Our history shows that:
“Change aiming for progress
is written in our DNA!”
We work hard to improve every day, investing time and resources into evolving our solutions and our techniques.
Natural Metal Works
Our TruLaser 3030 FIBER laser cutter cuts a wide variety of materials of many thicknesses, while offering the advantage of improved process stability. It cuts fine edges and removes finished pieces easily. It’s easy to maintain so different machining jobs can be programmed quickly.
Our HFEM bending machine has 100 tons of bending force per 3 metres and provides efficient and economical results. It has automatic angle control for the creation of complex pieces, with exceptional productivity and precision.
We can perform any kind of weld: TIG, MIG, aluminium, iron, steel and copper. Our qualified and certified personnel analyse technical designs to guarantee perfect welds in harmony with the finished product. We weld both load-bearing components and delicate aesthetic pieces.
We take special care in the “special” machining we do, which is special for the complexity of production: one-of-a-kind pieces in components requiring extreme precision, or numerous steps in order to obtain the required characteristics. These skills acquired over the years have led to partnerships with important companies both in Italy and abroad.
For information or specific requests, please contact the appropriate office.
Below is a list of contacts and the managers of each department.

Resp. Andrea Krebeli
Resp. Admir Laska
Resp. Roland Rudaj
Resp. Andrea Krebeli
Resp. Marco Canal
Resp. Festim Rudaj